Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Word About Good Manners

A few days ago, I took my Grandsons, Caleb (13) and Sammy (11) to grab a sandwich. Their home was messed up due to ongoing renovations, and we had a hard time finding the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile as Caleb held the door opened and Sammy stood back while "I" entered the Sub Shop. I just can't remember feeling more important than I did that moment. . . which caused me to give thought to what I had just experienced.

I remembered how my own Mother repeatedly told us to be polite, close our lips as we chewed food, say "please" and "thank you". It was wearisome, but memorable to this day. It is a shame that except for my brief moment on the "SUB SHOP RED CARPET, my grandchildren's good manners might have escaped me, but no doubt I would have noticed any bad manners. I have three older grandchildren as well - they're all married, but their conversations with me are sprinkled with "yes m'am, and no m'am".

Because of this example of excellent parenting, I would like to send my heatfelt gratitude to their parents, Mike, Terry, Chris and Meredith. How blessed I am to have these wonderful people as my family.

As we navigate through a country with plenty of ill-mannered people, let's never allow it with our own. Be persistent, and profuse with our own good manners. . . . "thank you", "please", "may I help you", "no, you go first" and "God Bless You".

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