Monday, September 29, 2008

HOMEKEEPERS - September 29 - October 3, 2008

Monday, September 29
Sylvia Morgan Baker, educator and founder of Classical Arts Christian School in Pinellas Park, Florida talks about her battle with cancer and also her unique book titled, BREAST CANCER BE-ATTITUDES.

Tuesday, September 30,
This thought provoking re-run features Rebecca Porter, who after several abortions, found Jesus and is now on the front line of the pro-life battle.

Wednesday, October 1st (October already??)
Terry Kemple and Bishop Harry Jackson give a powerful message on the importance of voting for the marriage ammendment which will be on the Florida ballot when we go to the polls in November.

Thursday, October 2nd
Dr. Paul Grant - inventor of Rograine, tells the amazing story of his conversion as a Jew to Christianity.

Friday, October 3rd
Author of PRAYER, POWER and PETTICOATS, Sue Tennant, talks about her experience writing the history of "faith" in the lives of many of our First Ladies.

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