Monday, October 6, 2008

HOMEKEEPERS PROGRAMS 10/6/08 - 10/10/08

October 6, HK2238
Enjoy the antics of Comedian Justin Fennell

October 7, HK2239
Mark Culligan, Founder of NEW HEARTS OUTREACH, tells how this ministry is helping those who are sexually broken and who are pornography addicted.

October 8 HK2240
I have the opportunity to talk with Carolyn Hennecy, author of ORANGE BLOSSOM WISHES. She tells her story of being molested as a child, an abusive marriage and her long road to wholeness.

October 9, HK2235
My special guest, Myra Doddar, tells her riviting story of battling cancer for more than five years and how CELL QUEST has helped her.

October 10, HK1855
Tino Wallelnda, from the FLYING WALLENDAS, talks about his exciting life on the high wire and his strong Christian Faith.

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