Monday, March 2, 2009

March is coming in like a lion in most parts of our Country. Fine with me, we get plenty of heat here in Florida. I'm enjoying wearing a heavy sweater today.

We've been busy taping HOMEKEEPERS programs, and I truly thank God for the wonderful guests He sends our way.

Monday, March 2nd: Lauren Myers returns to HOMEKEEPERS to talk about her new book, GOD SPEAKS MY LANGUAGE. In this book she has "fleshed out" some of our favorite as well as obscure Bible stories. This book is going great guns in India.

Tuesday, March 3rd: Linda Rooks is also a return guest and author of BROKEN HEART ON HOLD. It is a rather amazing story of how her marriage survived three years of separation. She and her husband now work to repair other marriaages.

Wednesday and Thursday, March 4th & 5th: These programs are re-runs with health expert,
Jordan Rubin featuring in-depth discussions, not about being skinny etc., rather finding your PERFECT WEIGHT, which is the title of his best selling book.

Friday, March 6th: This is also a re-run featuring Author Natalie Gillispie. She offers advice and possible short cuts in the adoption process.

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